Dioxins and Furans
About Dioxins and Furans
Dioxins and furans are toxic chemicals regarded as persistent pollutants. They are difficult to remediate and can remain in the environment for a long time, making it essential to address them during site assessment and cleanup. Dioxins and furans are anthropogenic compounds that are produced as the result of a number of activities, including the production of certain types of chemicals and bleaching paper products. The names dioxin and furan are used to refer to substances such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), which is one of the most toxic substances on earth.
Why Is Dioxins Testing Important?
The accumulation of dioxins and furans in many everyday products makes testing for these substances extremely important. These environmental pollutants are persistent, they accumulate in the food chain, and can cause a number of health problems in humans. They are very toxic, with studies showing that they have an impact on both human health and the environment in general. In animal studies, they have been shown to be carcinogenic and to cause damage to reproductive and immune systems. Dioxin and furan testing identifies the presence of these chemicals so that they can be monitored and mitigated.
Our Testing Capabilities
Through our dioxin analysis laboratory services, Torrent Laboratory can quickly get you the data that you need. Our dioxin and furan analysis and testing services have the fastest TATs available in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. We offer a full list of dioxin and furan testing in a range of environments and products, including marine environments and seafood, where there is growing demand. Our testing identifies PCDD, PCDF, TCDD, and other dioxins that pose a danger. We use EPA Method 1613B and EPA 8290 to carry out testing of dioxins and furans and have the capability to test for specific substances or a range of them.
Our Procedure for Dioxins Testing
We offer the fastest turnaround service for a dioxin test in North America. Our dioxin testing labs use advanced extraction techniques to meet tight deadlines. We follow the testing methods of regulated sites or, if there is no requested method, we use Best Available Technology (BAT) methods to meet the requirements of your project. Torrent Laboratory can analyze soil, water, air, raw materials, and product samples. Clients can take their own samples and send them to us or drop them off, and we can provide some limited assistance to take samples if needed. Reports are sent via email, quickly providing you with the data that you need. We can tailor the data to your needs to meet any specific project requirements that you might have.
Areas Served By Torrent Lab
Torrent Laboratory offers dioxin and furans testing in the Bay Area, as well as Northern and Southern California. We can also provide assistance across the United States and beyond, offering a fast turnaround time to all. We are located in Milpitas, CA, and can provide shipping for sample containers or welcome anyone who would like to visit our office to collect what they need.
Contact us to learn more about our dioxins testing services and how they can help you.